Wednesday 27 June 2007

Where are we?

A few questions that still need to be answered:

We know what Ryan has told us about wanting to find Eddie but what is his ulterior motive?
Why does Phile want to find Eddie?
Why does Phillip want to find Eddie?
What is Eddie planning to do in Iceland?
Will he and the other characters stay in Iceland? He could just be going there for a meeting with his 'client' before going back to the UK or US.
What does Caro want out of life?

As you can no doubt tell, I'm supposed to be working...


Sylvia said...

confused? you will be, after next week's episode of....Soap!
I'm glad you have your finger on the pulse, GSE!

Alda said...

OK. I submit the following:

Eddie keeps a low profile in a fishing village on Iceland's West Fjords where he conducts business with the Lithuanian mafia, organizing and running major drug trafficking operations. Let's say he went to Iceland initially to investigate the possibilities for organized crime, and stake his claim, as it were. On the side he has a small operation involving Russian and Lithuanian sailors who smuggle in chemicals for amphetamine production - plus regular old booze and cigarettes - on trawlers that dock in the village.

Caro has inside info on why Ryan is trying to find Eddie (or at least Eddie thinks so) hence her sudden relocation to Iceland.

Caro wants two things out of life: love/marriage/children (aw!) and to get sober. She knows the latter must precede the former. What she doesn't know is that Iceland has some of the most advanced detox centres in the world.

... As to the motivations of the other characters, no idea, I defer to their creators. Am also completely open to other suggestions/options.

S said...

Hello peeps.

Just finally got round to reading this blovel thing. Very good and very enjoyable well done. Will certainly be keeping an eye on it from now on. The plot is very intriguing.